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Kildorrery aims to complete 5 year plan

Friday, 17 October 2014
3:15 PM GMT

Around a year ago Kildorrery Community Development Limited set out to create their community ‘five year plan’. With Ballyhoura Development limited they ran a series of open community meetings. These meetings were attended by over 90 people and raised issues from services for the elderly through to the local water service.

Following on from the community meetings, Kildorrery community development formed the safety committee. In the weeks that followed, the safety committee volunteers devoted many hours of hard work to detail the community safety five year plan and then went work to implement the first of the objectives. These were to reinstate the pedestrian crossing, set up a community text alert and to help to reduce the speed of traffic entering the village.

With the help of councillors Frank O’Flynn and Kevin O’Keeffe, the safety committees presented the issues to Cork County Council. Brendan O’Gorman of Cork County Council and Noel Murtagh of the National Roads Authority fully support the proposals and over the coming months they worked to implement improved signage on the approach to the village and to reinstate the pedestrian crossing. Over the weekend the pedestrian crossing was finished and is open for use.

The safety committee would like to thank Cork County Council and the National Roads Office along with The Avondu and the councillors in helping them through the process and for their support and goodwill towards the community initiatives.

Over the next weeks, Kildorrery Community Development will be putting the final touches to the five year plan and setting up sub committees to start working on them. If you would like to hear more or get involved, then please attend the community open meeting at Oaklawns on Thursday, 30th of October at 8pm.


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