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SHARE’s Christmas campaign begins in Cork

The traditional SHARE Christmas campaign begins in Cork as students from 20 of Cork’s schools fast and fundraise for Cork’s elderly.

Saturday, 13 December 2014
7:19 PM GMT

The traditional SHARE Christmas campaign begins in Cork as students from 20 of Cork’s schools fast and fundraise for Cork’s elderly.

SHARE (Students Harness Aid for the Relief of the Elderly), launches its traditional fast and fundraising campaign at the SHARE Crib in the city's Daunt’s Square (near Grand Parade), on Sunday next at 6pm.

It is the 45th year in which almost 1,800 fourth and fifth-year students from 20 schools rally round to raise funds for SHARE, in the only campaign it undertakes throughout the year.

"There are so many great causes out there, but we hope they’ll go that extra mile for us as we only fundraise once in the year even though we have many calls on our resources," said 17 year old Evan O’Brien, a 5th year student at Presentation College Cork and chairman of the SHARE Executive.

"There’s a big job to be done every year, between maintaining the secure 156 homes that people live in around the city, looking after their personal needs and keeping the Day Care Centre in Sheare’s Street open and welcoming for them and people who visit on a daily basis."

You can contribute at any one of the many cribs around the city. Alternatively, donations can be posted or delivered in person to SHARE, The Brother Jerome Kelly Day Care Centre, Sheare’s Street, Cork where acknowledgements will be issued immediately. See

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