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The recently completed footpath and speed ramps in Conna have been welcomed as an improvement in the overall safety of residents in the village. Speaking at this month’s Fermoy Municipal Authority meeting, Cllr Noel McCarthy lauded the work done by Conna Community Council and Cork County Council in getting both projects to fruition.
“The footpath looks superb now that it’s finished,” he said. “There were health and safety issues there for the local people, it was dangerous for people to walk to from the village to the field. The community council deserve great credit for the efforts; the project is a credit to all concerned," he said.
Stating that the footpath coincides well with the new speed ramps, he said the provision of the ramps will make the village a safer place.
"Vehicles will be restricted in their speed through the village, they’ll have to slow down and that has to be welcomed from a health and safety point of view,” he told the meeting.
Chairperson of Conna Community Council Pat Lee, told The Avondhu that the footpath scheme was a matter of safety. "It was completely unsafe to walk down there from the village. There’s a lot of young people using that route especially," he said.
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