The success of the High-Tech Manufacturing and Development industry in Cork is largely attributable to the committed performance of its most vital asset – its people.
A young, flexible, well-educated, English-speaking work force is readily available and a close working relationship between industry, third-level colleges and the Cork Education Training Centre ensures that this workforce is prepared in areas of technology geared to the present and future needs of these industries.
The CEIA has been benefitting the landscape of the ICT industry for the last 40 years. The foundation of the organisation was a turning point for the companies and CEOs involved in the industry 40 years ago and continues to develop the industry in the region today.
Speaking at the 40th AGM of the CEIA at the Maryborough House Hotel last week, outgoing chairperson of the CEIA, Alan O’Flynn (GM of Dell Technologies, Ovens Campus) outlined the achievements of the association in that time.
“2024 was an exciting milestone year for us and it is an honour to have past officials who helped establish the association attend our 40th AGM.”
Alan spoke about the impact of the CEIA over its 40-year history and the innovations it has made throughout the Cork region. Outlining the biggest contribution the CEIA has made to the High-Tech industry in Ireland, he spoke about the co-operation and common goals of the members who are involved in the organisation.
The CEIA is a member-driven non-profit association. Business briefings, the annual conference and various initiatives provide ongoing learning and transfer of knowledge for both IT professionals and engineers but also students with an interest in working in High Tech Manufacturing & Development, Science and Engineering.
It continues to grow its membership and its collaboration with key regional and national agencies such as the world-renowned Tyndall National Institute.