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The ‘water war’ was hotting up in Fermoy, with a picket being staged outside the home of a Fermoy Urban District Council employee, who had been identified as being involved in the disconnection of water supply to a resident of Carrignagroghera. Approximately 40 people took part in the peaceful protest, which lasted for 30 minutes, closely watched by four gardai. However, the move taken by the local anti-service charge tenants’ and residents’ association, was strongly condemned, with The Avondhu inundated with callers expressing their anger at the picket.
There was delight in Glanworth with the installation by the Board of Works, of a historic window frame, as part of the restoration of St Dominic’s Abbey. Works had been ongoing at the abbey for two years, with the erection of the gothic style stone window structure on the east wing of the building, greatly enhancing the building’s look. The Board, who had recently completed a safety project on the nearby Roche’s Castle, were now set to undertake a two year restoration project here.
The Avondhu area was experiencing something of a crime spree: A house burglary took place at a farmhouse in Castletownroche, with two cast iron fireplaces being stolen; a Mazda car was stolen from Rathcormac village; while in Killavullen, a public house was broken into, with cash (approx £90) from a cigarette machine being stolen, however the burglars were disturbed and fled the scene, smashing the front window of the bar when leaving – the stolen car used in the robbery was later located at a forestry entrance, with the windows smashed and the battery stolen.
A Tallow based enterprise, Tobin Engineering, were on the verge of a major business coup in the sports world, with their range of portable goalposts, being officially launched by Minister for Science & Technology, Michael Ahern at a function in Cork. Managing director Sean Tobin had identified the need for the product, which has national and international significance. With a strong emphasis on safety, the Goalpost Ireland range, competitively priced at £45, could fit neatly into a four foot carrier bag and could be easily erected in less than two minutes – the record stood at 23 seconds!
Tourism in the West Waterford town of Lismore, received a major boost, as Minister of State for Tourism, Mr Brendan Kenneally TD, switched on the floodlights at both Lismore Castle and the historic St Carthage’s Cathedral. This marked the first steps in the development of Lismore as a major visitor attraction, since its designation as a Heritage Town by Bord Failte. Funding for the project was provided by the European Regional Development Fund and Waterford County Council.
A major spate of weekend vandalism had occurred at Fermoy Swimming Pool, forcing its closure at on e of the busiest times of year. Substantial damage was caused by a group of vandals, which included the pool being littered with any moveable objects, including the cash register and parts of the public phone being thrown into the water. However, the most serious act of vandalism saw a steel bin being used to smash several windows, leading to glass fragments being strewn on the pool floor. A review of security measures was to be undertaken at a meeting of the Urban District Council.
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