Pharmacists have today issued a reminder to parents to be extremely careful when giving medicines to children and to always seek the advice of their pharmacist before giving a child any medication.

The correct dose of medicine can vary depending on a child’s age, weight and symptoms. As children grow, dosages can also change. Medicines meant for an adult should never be given to a child.

Ann Marie Horan, a member of the IPU’s Executive Committee and a community pharmacist, said: “Occasionally parents can unintentionally give young children too much medicine, especially when they are administering medicine regularly. I would encourage all parents to check with us – that’s what we’re here for.”


Always follow the recommendations on the information leaflet provided with the medication such as giving the correct dose etc.

Follow the directions on when the medicine is to be taken and stick to the instructions, for example, with or after food, or with liquid.

Never guess the dose and follow age and weight limit recommendations.

Keep a record of how much you have given and when.

Do not chill or crush medicine without checking it is okay to do so and never mix medicines without first checking with a pharmacist that it’s safe to do so.