A group calling themselves ‘The Arbour Stick Guild’ which will se them involved in the art of making walking sticks etc., has been formed in Glanworth.
The group came together recently and the plan is to meet once a week in Glanworth Community Centre. The date and time has yet to be decided, though the plan is to start in April.
Anyone interested in joining the group should contact any member of committee. All are welcome to attend and knowing the lds involved, there will be plenty stick given and taken, no doubt!
The newly formed committee of the Arbour Stick Guild include Liam Lawton, Arthur Wilson (treasurer), Noel Sheehan (chairman), Dave Gill (PRO), Barry Wilson, Ollie Stack and Tomás Quirke.
You are invited to contact any member of the above if you would like to join the guild and attend the meetings, planned to start in April.
A warm Harbour welcome, potential new friendships and an interesting and rewarding new hobby awaits.
Give it some stick folks!